Chelseas Första Kärlek, del 16
Hejsan hoppsan allihopa! Det är så att jag och min mamma och syster ska till stan och äta middag och gå på en liten sen shoppingtur då butikerna har kvällsöppet ikväll, så jag kommer nog inte hinna lägga in en till del efter den här, (om ni inte ger mig en DUNDER anledning för det iof ;) ) så den här delen blir extra lång!! Enjoy!! :)
Chelseas synvinkel
Jag gick in i mitt rum och la mig på sängen, jag började tänka på allt som hänt igen. Jag var nu 100% säker på att jag höll på att bli kär i Justin, på riktigt.
Helt plötsligt började jag gråta, jag skulle väl antagligen aldrig få träffa Justin efter han åkt iväg och fortsatt sin turné, han skulle säkert glömma mig när han blev omringad av tusentals andra tjejer. Jag kunde inte sluta gråta, tårarna forsade, jag satte på MTV så att det överröstade mig, jag ville inte att mamma eller pappa skulle höra mig.
Jag hoppade till när jag hörde min telefon ringa, det var Justin, jag funderade på om jag skulle svara eller inte, jag grinade som en galning, och han skulle säkert ändå bara säga att det aldrig kommer fungera, att vi inte kommer kunna träffas igen. Trots mina tankar så klickade jag på den gröna luren, jag kunde ju trots allt inte ignorera ett samtal från Justin.
“H-h-hello,” svarade jag och försökte snyfta så lite som möjligt.
“Hi Chels,” det brusade lite i telefonen, så han hade nog inte hört att jag var ledsen, “I forgot my hat at your place, you know the purple one?” fortsatte han.
“Yeah,” jag andades djupt.
“Could you,” han hann inte längre, jag började tjuta igen, och han märkte det, fan också, “noo, are you crying?”
“Yes,” snyftade jag.
“Aaw, why? Talk to me,” sa han tröstande.
“I, I don’t know, I j-just think that we will never m-m-meet again, t-that you will just forget me when you see all these other girls,” jag kunde knappt prata för att jag grät så mycket.
“Chelsea, I would never do that, you are such a special, beautiful, cute and amazing girl, and I would never do that to you,” sa han allvarligt till mig, på ett sätt som fick mig att tro honom.
“Thanks, but, what will I do when you are gone?” frågade jag honom med gråten i halsen.
“The question is, what will I do…” svarade han och lät lite nere.
“You will be fine, you’re doing what you love to do, and you do what you are meant to do,” sa jag till honom och log för mig själv.
“Thanks, I just want you to know that I’m glad that I’ve found you, I feel like I can trust you, and I don’t want to screw it up.”
“You won’t,” sa jag och blev på bättre humör.
“Can I call you when I get to the hotel, I don’t want to lose my driver’s license if I get busted, haha,” sa han och skrattade lite.
“Haha, get busted for what?” frågade jag.
“Talking in the phone and driving at the same time…?”
“Oh, well that’s not illegal in Sweden,” sa jag.
“What? That’s weird, haha.”
“Yeah, but call me later, that’s safer,” sa jag till honom.
“Yeah, I’ll call you as soon as I get there,”
“Sounds good, bye Justin,” sa jag och la på luren. Jag hade blivit på otroligt bra humör helt plötsligt igen, jag litade på honom, han skulle inte svika mig.
Justins synvinkel
How could it be legal to drive and talk in the cell at the same time in Sweden? Haha, well, well…
Why did she think that I would let her down? I was crazy about her, I didn’t want to leave her in 2 days, I wouldn’t be able to do that. But I had to. I guess I could fly her over sometimes, maybe that way I could atleast survive…
The phone rang.
“Yeah, I’ts Justin,” I answered.
“Hi Justin it’s mum, are you on your way?” she asked.
“I’m almost there, was the book signing at three o’clock?” I asked her. I was going to sign my book to my fans at this place calles NK, it should be fun. I love meeting my fans.
“Yes, so you have about one hour to get ready from now,” she said.
“Yeah that’s good, see you in 5 mum,” I said and hung up.
I kept driving and now I was almost there, I drove in to a garage and parked the car. I ran up the stairs and said hi to mum, then I hurried to the shower, blow-dried my hair and put on a pair of black jeans, red Supras, a black t-shirt that said ‘Hooligan’ and a red hat.
I walked down to meet mum and the rest of the crew.
“Hey guys,” I said and did a secret handshake with Scooter.
“Let’s go,” he said, and we started walking to the limo that was waiting outside. We jumped in and went to a pretty big mall, not huge compared to what I had seen in like Japan, but it looked cool.
“So this is the NK place?” I asked.
“Yes, why do you think it’s like a billion girls over there if this is not the place,” Kenny said, laughed, and pointer out the window.
“Holy crap! That’s a pretty big bunch of girls…” I said. OH DAMN IT! I was supposed to call Chelsea when I got to the hotel, she probably thought that I had dissed her now…
“Can we wait like one minute, I have to call Chelsea,” I said and picked up my phone.
“Oooh, do you like her?” Scooter asked and laughed.
“Well, yes, we hung out yesterday too…” I answered and smiled prodly.
“Oh snap! Did you get any?” Kenny asked and they all laughed hard.
“Stop it, she seemed like a nice girl,” mum said.
They continued joking around and I moved to the back of the limo and called her.
“Justin?!” she answered.
“Yeah it’s me, I’m so sorry that I haven’t called earlier, I didn’t have much time to get ready for book signing at this NK place,” I said.
“That’s okay,” she said, “are there a lot of girls?”
“You can’t imagine, it’s like a billion,” I said and laughed.
“Hmm, really? Cuz we are only 9 million people in Sweden, but I guess you bring a lot,” she laughed too.
“Haha, well, I have to go, we are already a little late, but I’ll call you later, I promise!” I said to her.
“I trust you, have fun with the girls,” she said.
“You are the only girl on my mind right now,” I told her and smiled to myself, “Bye!”
When I hung up I saw that Scooter, Kenny, Ryan G and Alfredo sat quietly and looked at me. Then they cracked up, BIG TIME!
I couldn’t help blushing a little. They had probably heard what I said about her being the only girl on my mind. Well, she was, don’t blame me.
“Hey stop laughing! She is cute, don’t blame me!” I said to them, but I couln’t hold myself from laughing anymore, I cracked up too.
We just sat there, laughing so hard we could barely talk.
“We do have to go now, RIGHT?” mum said.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” Scooter said, “Let’s go sign some books Beebah!”
That didn’t help much, now I couldn’t stop laughing at all, thanks Scooter!
“Yeah, let’s do it” I said when I had gotten myself together a little.
We got out and all the girls started screaming, I smiled and said hi, then we got up to where we were going to be. I had gotten a chair and a table, just as usual, and I sat down. The fans came in and I wrote like a million autographs, but I didn’t complain.
Around seven o’clock we got out of there, and I called Chelsea right away, she answered at the second tone.
“Chelsea,” she said.
“Hi it’s Justin, how are you?” I asked.
“I’m good, did you have fun?”
“Good, yeah, it was pretty rough, but exiting,” I answered.
“Yeah, I can imagine that, 1 billion girls can’t be an easy thing to handle,” she laughed.
“Naw, you’re right,” I laughed too.
Mum tapped on my shoulder, “Ask if she wants to join us on dinner,” she said.
“She lives an hour away from here,” I said.
“We’ll pay a cab for her,” she said to me. I smiled.
“Well, would you like to come and join me, mum and the team for dinner?” I asked Chelsea.
“That sounds like fun, but mum and dad are not home at the moment, so I don’t know how to get there…” she answered.
“We will pay a cab for you, we really want you to come, we will leave the day after tomorrow, so everyone wants to get to know you a little better.”
“You are so nice, really, you don’t have to do this for me,” she said.
“We want to, just tell me your adress so I can call a cab,” I said to her.
“Naw, I’ll call one myself, where should I meet you guys?” ahe asked. I just had one of these ‘YES!’ moments inside when she said that she was coming.
“Well, come to this NK place, do you know where that is?” I asked.
“Yes, I know where that is, I live in Sweden duh,” she said laughing.
“Haha, okay, call me when you’re almost there!” I said.
“Yes, see you soon, bye!”
Chelseas synvinkel
Jag gick in i mitt rum och la mig på sängen, jag började tänka på allt som hänt igen. Jag var nu 100% säker på att jag höll på att bli kär i Justin, på riktigt.
Helt plötsligt började jag gråta, jag skulle väl antagligen aldrig få träffa Justin efter han åkt iväg och fortsatt sin turné, han skulle säkert glömma mig när han blev omringad av tusentals andra tjejer. Jag kunde inte sluta gråta, tårarna forsade, jag satte på MTV så att det överröstade mig, jag ville inte att mamma eller pappa skulle höra mig.
Jag hoppade till när jag hörde min telefon ringa, det var Justin, jag funderade på om jag skulle svara eller inte, jag grinade som en galning, och han skulle säkert ändå bara säga att det aldrig kommer fungera, att vi inte kommer kunna träffas igen. Trots mina tankar så klickade jag på den gröna luren, jag kunde ju trots allt inte ignorera ett samtal från Justin.
“H-h-hello,” svarade jag och försökte snyfta så lite som möjligt.
“Hi Chels,” det brusade lite i telefonen, så han hade nog inte hört att jag var ledsen, “I forgot my hat at your place, you know the purple one?” fortsatte han.
“Yeah,” jag andades djupt.
“Could you,” han hann inte längre, jag började tjuta igen, och han märkte det, fan också, “noo, are you crying?”
“Yes,” snyftade jag.
“Aaw, why? Talk to me,” sa han tröstande.
“I, I don’t know, I j-just think that we will never m-m-meet again, t-that you will just forget me when you see all these other girls,” jag kunde knappt prata för att jag grät så mycket.
“Chelsea, I would never do that, you are such a special, beautiful, cute and amazing girl, and I would never do that to you,” sa han allvarligt till mig, på ett sätt som fick mig att tro honom.
“Thanks, but, what will I do when you are gone?” frågade jag honom med gråten i halsen.
“The question is, what will I do…” svarade han och lät lite nere.
“You will be fine, you’re doing what you love to do, and you do what you are meant to do,” sa jag till honom och log för mig själv.
“Thanks, I just want you to know that I’m glad that I’ve found you, I feel like I can trust you, and I don’t want to screw it up.”
“You won’t,” sa jag och blev på bättre humör.
“Can I call you when I get to the hotel, I don’t want to lose my driver’s license if I get busted, haha,” sa han och skrattade lite.
“Haha, get busted for what?” frågade jag.
“Talking in the phone and driving at the same time…?”
“Oh, well that’s not illegal in Sweden,” sa jag.
“What? That’s weird, haha.”
“Yeah, but call me later, that’s safer,” sa jag till honom.
“Yeah, I’ll call you as soon as I get there,”
“Sounds good, bye Justin,” sa jag och la på luren. Jag hade blivit på otroligt bra humör helt plötsligt igen, jag litade på honom, han skulle inte svika mig.
Justins synvinkel
How could it be legal to drive and talk in the cell at the same time in Sweden? Haha, well, well…
Why did she think that I would let her down? I was crazy about her, I didn’t want to leave her in 2 days, I wouldn’t be able to do that. But I had to. I guess I could fly her over sometimes, maybe that way I could atleast survive…
The phone rang.
“Yeah, I’ts Justin,” I answered.
“Hi Justin it’s mum, are you on your way?” she asked.
“I’m almost there, was the book signing at three o’clock?” I asked her. I was going to sign my book to my fans at this place calles NK, it should be fun. I love meeting my fans.
“Yes, so you have about one hour to get ready from now,” she said.
“Yeah that’s good, see you in 5 mum,” I said and hung up.
I kept driving and now I was almost there, I drove in to a garage and parked the car. I ran up the stairs and said hi to mum, then I hurried to the shower, blow-dried my hair and put on a pair of black jeans, red Supras, a black t-shirt that said ‘Hooligan’ and a red hat.
I walked down to meet mum and the rest of the crew.
“Hey guys,” I said and did a secret handshake with Scooter.
“Let’s go,” he said, and we started walking to the limo that was waiting outside. We jumped in and went to a pretty big mall, not huge compared to what I had seen in like Japan, but it looked cool.
“So this is the NK place?” I asked.
“Yes, why do you think it’s like a billion girls over there if this is not the place,” Kenny said, laughed, and pointer out the window.
“Holy crap! That’s a pretty big bunch of girls…” I said. OH DAMN IT! I was supposed to call Chelsea when I got to the hotel, she probably thought that I had dissed her now…
“Can we wait like one minute, I have to call Chelsea,” I said and picked up my phone.
“Oooh, do you like her?” Scooter asked and laughed.
“Well, yes, we hung out yesterday too…” I answered and smiled prodly.
“Oh snap! Did you get any?” Kenny asked and they all laughed hard.
“Stop it, she seemed like a nice girl,” mum said.
They continued joking around and I moved to the back of the limo and called her.
“Justin?!” she answered.
“Yeah it’s me, I’m so sorry that I haven’t called earlier, I didn’t have much time to get ready for book signing at this NK place,” I said.
“That’s okay,” she said, “are there a lot of girls?”
“You can’t imagine, it’s like a billion,” I said and laughed.
“Hmm, really? Cuz we are only 9 million people in Sweden, but I guess you bring a lot,” she laughed too.
“Haha, well, I have to go, we are already a little late, but I’ll call you later, I promise!” I said to her.
“I trust you, have fun with the girls,” she said.
“You are the only girl on my mind right now,” I told her and smiled to myself, “Bye!”
When I hung up I saw that Scooter, Kenny, Ryan G and Alfredo sat quietly and looked at me. Then they cracked up, BIG TIME!
I couldn’t help blushing a little. They had probably heard what I said about her being the only girl on my mind. Well, she was, don’t blame me.
“Hey stop laughing! She is cute, don’t blame me!” I said to them, but I couln’t hold myself from laughing anymore, I cracked up too.
We just sat there, laughing so hard we could barely talk.
“We do have to go now, RIGHT?” mum said.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” Scooter said, “Let’s go sign some books Beebah!”
That didn’t help much, now I couldn’t stop laughing at all, thanks Scooter!
“Yeah, let’s do it” I said when I had gotten myself together a little.
We got out and all the girls started screaming, I smiled and said hi, then we got up to where we were going to be. I had gotten a chair and a table, just as usual, and I sat down. The fans came in and I wrote like a million autographs, but I didn’t complain.
Around seven o’clock we got out of there, and I called Chelsea right away, she answered at the second tone.
“Chelsea,” she said.
“Hi it’s Justin, how are you?” I asked.
“I’m good, did you have fun?”
“Good, yeah, it was pretty rough, but exiting,” I answered.
“Yeah, I can imagine that, 1 billion girls can’t be an easy thing to handle,” she laughed.
“Naw, you’re right,” I laughed too.
Mum tapped on my shoulder, “Ask if she wants to join us on dinner,” she said.
“She lives an hour away from here,” I said.
“We’ll pay a cab for her,” she said to me. I smiled.
“Well, would you like to come and join me, mum and the team for dinner?” I asked Chelsea.
“That sounds like fun, but mum and dad are not home at the moment, so I don’t know how to get there…” she answered.
“We will pay a cab for you, we really want you to come, we will leave the day after tomorrow, so everyone wants to get to know you a little better.”
“You are so nice, really, you don’t have to do this for me,” she said.
“We want to, just tell me your adress so I can call a cab,” I said to her.
“Naw, I’ll call one myself, where should I meet you guys?” ahe asked. I just had one of these ‘YES!’ moments inside when she said that she was coming.
“Well, come to this NK place, do you know where that is?” I asked.
“Yes, I know where that is, I live in Sweden duh,” she said laughing.
“Haha, okay, call me when you’re almost there!” I said.
“Yes, see you soon, bye!”
Postat av: neejra<3
nu ska vi ge din en anledning till att ge oss en del till för vi ska bomba dig med komentarer!!!!!<3
Postat av: jovana
riktigt bra :)
men, xD
i sverige tar man körkort vid 18 års ålder, och man kan inte köra med ett körkort från USA.
eftersom det gäller bara EU- körkort ;)
Men annars e det jätte bra:)<3
Postat av: Emma
Postat av: sandra
en del till
Postat av: emma
en del till
Postat av: laana
en del till
Postat av: frIIdaaA
en del till!!!
Postat av: detdu;)
den del till
Postat av: somebody<3
En del till,snälla;)
Postat av: EeeMmmaaAXD
en del till
Postat av: hannah<3
En Del Till;)<3
Postat av: Kkurrtanovicc''<3
Postat av: leila:D
en del till<3
Postat av: LINNEAaa<3
Postat av: youknowhowiamXD
En Del Till XD
Postat av: sandraa
Postat av: ....
en delll tilllll XDXD
Postat av: <3
snälla,en del till<3
Postat av: XD
en del till<3
Postat av: Bosnieeen<3
en delll Tilll<3
Postat av: Jaaag<3
Postat av: EnTjej<3
Postat av: KaaRriiiInnN
SNÄLLA En Del Till<3
Postat av: jonna<3
jaaa! snälla två delar<3
Postat av: OlLivIaaA<3
JJJJAAA jag tkr som alla andra en del till<3
Postat av: Liinda;)